Sunday, 3 January 2010

Getting IP Right in Windows: 5. NAT is not a Firewall

Networking in Windows is deceptively easy. The level of development Microsoft has achieved to make it so is quite considerable, and I contrast it here with the amount of tweaking required to get Unix services off the ground.

That said, a well-implemented IP structure is the cornerstone of any enterprise (or even serious home) office deployment. I’ve composed a series of five articles on topics you should be really getting right! There are certainly more, but these stick out in my mind.

5. NAT is not a Firewall

Here’s the part where I put on my flame-resistant suit. I know this is divisive, so let it be known this part is entirely my opinion :)

NAT was devised as a mechanism for hosts on networks with incompatible routing structures (either overlapping network numbers or RPIPA addresses seeking Internet connectivity) to have their addresses transformed into something more palatable. This happens every day in millions of home and corporate routers and firewalls, allowing millions more computers to consume Internet services without consuming the Internet’s most precious resource – global IP addresses.

Since these private networks use IP space that cannot be Internet routed, they are translated on the fly to, typically, one address which is what the destination sees as the source, while the router/firewall maintains a mapping of who asked for what from where, so that replies make it back to the requestor. If a packet arrives that has no apparent previous relationship to an internal host, it is dropped. In this way, NAT is an implied firewall, dropping unsolicited packets from the nasty Internet. Of course, if we need, say, HTTP or VoIP to be let in, we poke some holes and make exceptions.

Precisely because this is an implicit form of security, it is dangerous. Security is all about paying attention, making sure we understand how a threat can enter a network, how the people are affected (or risks themselves), what systems are vulnerable and how to defend against them etc. Defense in Depth, an NSA-derived concept, is all about layering security at different points in the network to increase the overall robustness.

Yet so often, NAT is simply assumed to be a line of defense. True, unsolicited traffic is bounced, but this causes problems for traffic like FTP (unless the firewall has application-layer awareness) and VoIP, whose Session Initiation Protocol has a rough time of NAT. Why then is the security only played out one way?

A commonly portrayed threat is of a trojan application or other type of malware being installed on your computer, scanning for personal data like credit cards and bank statements then uploading them to the nefarious source. NAT, in assuming that your network is the safe place and the Internet bad, gladly allows the outbound traffic through without question, and bang goes your credit rating.

IPv6 makes the need for NAT moot, since the address space and allocation policy should allow everyone to hold their own huge chunk of the address space with Internet-valid addresses. I haven’t yet seen a convincing argument why NAT should live on in an IPv6 world.

While NAT does indeed provide a great amount of protection, blindly approving that it makes you safer is missing the point. IP is a versatile protocol suite, and the fact that NAT is so readily implemented proves it, but without a little attention, you’re letting your router vendor dictate how your network is protected.

Recent versions of Windows include a host-based firewall, allowing each device to control what traffic is allowed to arrive at the network interfaces, and even what traffic is allowed out. Get to know the workings of the firewall and how to define the rules that are appropriate for your environment, including specific applications and how they communicate. Unfortunately, a lot of the protocols used on Windows tend to negotiate dynamic ports for communication, but since the firewall is also application-aware (specific executables are allowed to communicate instead of simply this or that port), it is a fairly easy task to secure your Windows hosts from a lot of the prevalent threats.

Enterprises know this and carefully craft the types of traffic that are allowed in and out of the network, with a little thought your networks can be secure, responsive and available.

Previous: 4. Disable NetBIOS

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